Virtual Visits: Get 24/7 Care, Anywhere

MD Live
Illnesses and injuries seldom happen at convenient times. Regardless whether it’s after doctor’s hours, on the weekend or on the road, you want access to immediate, cost-effective care.
Virtual Visits benefit from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL), the doctor is always in. Get 24/7 non-emergency care from a board-certified doctor by phone, online video or mobile app from almost anywhere.
Skip expensive urgent care or ER bills and waiting to see a doctor. You can speak with a Virtual Visits doctor within minutes. Services are available in both English and Spanish with translation services available in other languages.
Why Virtual Visits?
• 24/7 access to an independently contracted,
board-certified doctor
• Access via phone, online video or mobile
app from almost anywhere
• Average wait time of less than
20 minutes
• Doctors can send e-prescriptions to your
local pharmacy